M&K Social Media

It is no surprise that, in times of crisis and social upheaval, digital social behaviour will change as well. We seek hope and reassurance from others, we seek information and we seek better ways to cope with this great disruption in our lives.

Cluep Inc., reports for the period from February 2020 to March 2020, social posting volume in Canada increased a mammoth 131%.


Social conversations focus strongly on the existential:

  • Top billing goes to grocery and essentials +325%
  • Next comes savings & coupons +156%
  • Financial posts about job loss are up 119% and concerns for financial situation are up 105%

Not surprisingly, advertising for bank and financial services are on the airwaves. Can we predict big growth for jewelry buyers and payday loan companies?

Health topics of all types experienced spikes, as well: grooming / self care +179% and health & wellness +160%. With extra time on our hands and with fitness centres closed, home fitness increased by 110%. Social media saw a surge of 97% for learning & self-improvement, not only perhaps to fill in time, but also with the spectre of a job search in the future.

Needless to say, there are big conversation spikes for entertainment, online gaming, live music streaming, family activities, home improvement / organization and child education.

The big lesson is that things can change in a flash. The usual social media dominance of celebrity, sports, vacations, fashion, even family gatherings have to some extent gone “on hiatus” and if media campaigns are thusly aligned, those go on hiatus as well.

The new social landscape suggests that marketers can fulfill needs that are both practical and emotional, but with a friendly and empathetic voice.


*Data source: Cluep Inc., a mobile media platform that tracks social posts